How does it work?

RightCall operates an independent, externally delivered misconduct reporting service for Business, Government and Not-for-profit sectors.   Its clients include some very large Australia businesses but it is also suitable for SMEs and micro enterprises.    It aims to provide employees and other relevant stakeholders an alternative to reporting misconduct concerns internally because: they do not believe such a report would be acted upon, similar reports in the past have not been acted upon or they fear retribution by the organisation or a workplace colleague. 

There are six avenues available for making a misconduct report to RightCall:

Key features of the service are:

After 13 years of experience, RightCall believes it is essential to operate a local telephone reporting service as part of an external misconduct reporting service.   Over 13 years since RightCall commenced operation with telephone – web-based – email – postal service reporting options and after receiving hundreds of reports, it is clear that some people prefer to talk to a person rather than making a report via a keyboard.   Telephone reporting doesn’t work for everyone but it is the only option for some people – not having a telephone reporting service could prevent you from receiving the most important call you could ever get in your business.

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